It was interesting to stumble across a call center's employee website that had some posts from agents working for spinvox transcribing messages. Wait .. what's with the D2 brain they have on the website? .. here's some of what was posted on the site:
when you're siting home all by your self in your cozy lil chair by your desk, and dont feel like talking to anyone at all.. or when you're in a meeting and dont have time for any voice messages..... Dat's when we spinvoxers come to the rescue!!!
when you find a text full of weird crap and underscores and phonatic marks and it totally makes no sense.....
thats us, its always us doing our best, getting fucked up, struggling to recognize deformed accents and grammer mistakes so you can always get the flawless voice to text service 8)
we work behind the scenes...we are the invisible hereos... we are Tenzing... we are unknown and they deny our existance !!
but we're okay with it !!
cuz we are noble, and we get paid of course=P
check how great we are and how amazing our effect on people is...
raise your self-esteem =D
"This is the greatest service since vaccination. I am totally hooked and my life is changed. It is truly awesome!"
Mike Landman, CEO, Ripple
"SpinVox is excellent and a really cool service. I believe it's invaluable to the business user."
Will Findlater, News Editor, Stuff
"SpinVox provides a really simple and powerful way for us to interact with our audience and the possibilities are limitless."
James Walden, Digital Development Director, Magic FM
rock on m/ 3 cheers for us!!!
just think of all the liv... appointments that you saved everyday from being forgotten
think of the time that u help business owners save so they can make more and more money...
think of how you make the economy prosper by just sitting on your arse all day doing nothing but typing, typing , typing and listening and driving...
yeah driving!!
i mean aint these foot pedals make u feel like u're driving a car, not sitting on a desk on ur PC ??
we will also discuss the severe symptoms and the way of treatment for the " O.S.D"
and the "P.S.S"
A.K.A>> obsessive spinvox disorder .. and post spinvox syndrome.
Can you tell me the URL of the website you found this on? Thanks!
Wouldn't you love to know.
You going to try and shut us down
as well Sarah?
You know what, i have worked with spinvox for 8 months.. there Pakistan office was located in aiwaneiqbal.. and after 15 days training of V2TC.. i have converted thousand ov voice messages into text without resting.. means we had to convert 550 to 700 voice mail into text.. there were more than 400 employees worked on that compain... 2 shifts.. one from 6:00 to midnight 3:00 and the other one is midnight 3:00 to morning 10:00... the compaign is closed due to nonpayment from Spinvox to microconnexion... well my id was MIC36SILYAS.... and the software name is tenzing.. which i unbeatable...
anyone knows how to crash the program on purpose? i mean, make it say, tenzing cannot process the next message, blabla?
so i heard they shut down call centers world wide. they've shut down 2 here in lima recently. without notice.
Spinvox had a call center in Mauritius too which has been shut down. I have worked there for more that 2 years. I have seen so many versions of freaking Tenzing. The last versions was introduced with IAP-Intelligent Audio Playback where the audio would follow your cursor as far as you've typed. On the whole it was a fun job, but Spinvox sucks on payments and has used our cheap labour to make big profit. Is that service still active by the way? Cos Spinvox's site is still there.
Nuance which powers the visual voicemail for Vonage and AT&T has its voicemails 100% manually transcribed from a call center in India. Now if that is not infringement of data privacy then what is? I am posting the link of the call center ID where this transcription is done http://www.focusvmt.com/
hi there its Pete here, i belong to pakistan. i have been working on this project for 9 long months. there was company which was called MicroconneXions and this project was outsourced to this company. i took 15 days V2T (Voice to Text) training and then i was live i converted thousands of voice mails into text and with a very good conversion ratio. i wish there might be a project again where i can work again and prove my self that i know what is TENZING. but when there were Christmas says OMG that time i always preffered to take an off cos i know what i use to face..my id was MIC18PGEORGE.
hi there its Pete here, i belong to pakistan. i have been working on this project for 9 long months. there was company which was called MicroconneXions and this project was outsourced to this company. i took 15 days V2T (Voice to Text) training and then i was live i converted thousands of voice mails into text and with a very good conversion ratio. i wish there might be a project again where i can work again and prove my self that i know what is TENZING. but when there were Christmas says OMG that time i always preffered to take an off cos i know what i use to face.. lots and lots of messages... my id was MIC18PGEORGE.
i enjoyed my stay there and miss all my pals!
I have worked for spinvox in kenya for 1 and a half years and i loved it problem is the company i was working for Kencall. used to give us problems and pressure after pressure majorly.
I especially loved the tenzin for IAP-Intelligent Audio Playback and i would love to work for them personally rather than thru a middle man. Anyone who can hook me up with them please do. Drop me an email at morris.kimamo@gmail.com cos i have sent them numerous applications and they havent responded.
I was a top performer and I would love to work for them for a long time.
someone holla please.
if there is a spinvox rep reading this please respond I would love to hear from you please. My email is morris.kimamo@gmail.com and give me a chance to do what i loved before you pulled out of Kencall EPZ limited.
To all of you every company has a starting point so learn to be patient.
I used to convert a maximum of 350 to 400 messages in an 8 hour shift and which translated to about 4000 messages in a month and i used to get a score of 100 consistently and an ACR of less than 4 and TAT of 2 mins and 30 secs tops. if you are lazy stop trying to put the blame on someone else please.
I live and work in kenya and I am willing to relocate. Thanks.
Sarah if you a spinvox rep please talk to me i would to knw
I used to work in a South African call centre for SpinVox. Used a program called Tenzing which, surprisingly, doesn't show up in Google anymore.
No machines or D2-whatevers, just ordinary human beings transcribing private voice messages into text.
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